“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35)
At Grace Episcopal Church, we encourage a culture of giving. Every gift makes a difference to our church, the people of Morganton and our work in the world.
Ways to Give
Time: Grace is involved in many community ministries, and counts on the dedication of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer with a particular ministry fill out the volunteer interest survey or contact the office at (828) 437-1133.
Talent: Grace is always looking for people who have particular gifts and skills (especially in technology, construction, maintenance and repair, and other areas). If you would like to donate your skills for the benefit of Grace, please contact a member of the Vestry or contact the office at (828) 437-1133.
Treasure: Grace cannot continue its ministries without financial support. We rely on pledges of financial support from parishioners to fund our operating budget, as well as gifts and bequests of stock, IRAs, and other financial instruments that benefit our long-term endowments and investments. Please contact a member of the Vestry or contact the office at (828) 437-1133 to find out more.
Why Pledge?
Even if you already support Grace with a regular contribution, completing a pledge card is important for three key reasons:
Pledging empowers identity. A pledge card (regardless of the amount) says, “I am a part of something larger than myself.” In short, it's a way of saying, "I believe in the mission and values of this place, and I'm in."
Pledging empowers accountability. We believe that the Church exists as a dynamic community of strength and grace, intended to help individuals continually live into their fullest identity and potential in Christ. When you pledge, you create for yourself a mechanism of accountability. You empower your church to empower you.
Pledging empowers the ministry budget. There is a practical/pragmatic reason for pledging. It is a vital tool in the process of developing and managing a healthy church budget. A church budget is a ministry funding plan that is built with a variety of tools. When you pledge, you help our leadership responsibly discern the viability of funding the ministry initiatives being envisioned.
We are so grateful for your commitment and generosity.